About Us

Who We Are

My name is Brock Snyder and I am the founder of Four Corners Entertainment, where we specialize in producing amazing and eccentric events at luxury properties across the country. 

From the very beginning, we have gone above and beyond to engage with thousands of residents to find the perfect type of event they would prefer to attend. Through a vast array of experimentation, we have created a bevy of different events that are sure to keep residents of all ages happy and thoroughly entertained without YOU having to lift a finger!

We understand that every property is just as unique as the people who live inside it, which is why we personally tailor each event to suit the environment. Whether poolside, rooftop, courtyard, or club room, we are prepared to produce our events just about anywhere! 

Welcome to Four Corners Entertainment.

Our Events


Four Corners Comedy Show

Four Corners Pet Fashion Show

Four Corners Craft-Cocktails and You

Four Corners Escape the Club Room

Four Corners Casino-Comedy Night 

Four Corners Graffiti and Martinis


Four Corners Comedy Show:

Comedy itself has such an endless multitude of various applications, and bringing it into the living room of your residents is sure to blow them away and have them laughing for hours!

Consisting of various segments like stand-up, sketch comedy, musical performances, gameshow portions, and hilarious headliners, our innovative show structure is so fun and interesting that it is sure to satisfy residents of all different size, shape, and color. 

Our Four Corners Comedy Shows have not only been some of the most attended resident events but also the highest rated events ever planned by management. We also recently received a full one-page article in The Washington Post all about these amazing comedy shows and how well-received they are.

Comedy of any genre for crowds of any temperament- that’s our guarantee. 


Four Corners Pet Fashion Show:

Who thinks that their pet is the best in the world? Everyone! 

By organizing both owner and pets weeks before a Four Corners Pet Fashion Show, we plan to really give the residents something special- a time for their pet to shine! Everyone from the building is invited to dress up their furry friend in their favorite outfit and come on down to strut their stuff- clothing optional (for pets). 

Through filling out character profiles and questionnaires about both their self and their pet, we can guarantee funny and entertaining commentary tailored for every resident by active comedic professionals. 

Using theater lights, state-of-the-art sound equipment, disco lights, red-carpet, and more- we plan to really make this feel like an over-the-top event for all involved. Not to mention, the winner gets a 3-foot-tall traveling trophy and ALL the bragging rights of being BEST IN SHOW!

We have also found that residents without pets have just as much fun spectating as those that are actually competing; and with the usual assortment of snacks, refreshments, pictures, prizes, and awards, we can assure that this event will be discussed for weeks to follow. 


Four Corners Craft Cocktails and You:

At the the end of a long day, who doesn’t want to relax with a delicious drink in the club room? Nobody! 

We have found time and time again that most residents love their adult beverages, though unlike most alcohol-themed events where a bartender is usually just serving drinks, our Four Corners Craft Cocktails and You event is much more hands on. 

The residents will not only be sampling a variety of different craft cocktails we have created, but they will also actively be learning how to make all the complex ingredients for the very libations they are consuming. From infused syrups to concentrated bitters and tinctures, your residents will be thinking they are Tom Cruise from Cocktail in no time. 

Appealing to residents of all different preferences, we also make sure to have non-alcoholic drinks that have just as much character and creativity as those that contain the good stuff. 


Four Corners Escape the Club Room:

Thinking outside the box, we came up with an event to put a resident inside of one (metaphorically speaking, of course). 

Four Corners Escape the Club Room not only offers a sense of mystery and adventure, but also combines teamwork and camaraderie from your residents to complete various challenges at hand.

 Since FUN is what escape rooms are all about, we make sure to have a variety of different challenges to appeal to critical thinkers of all intellects. One thing is for sure, they will never look at the club room the same after they’ve had to escape from it!

Creating specific themes for the challenges also helps offer extra subtext to guide their decisions while in our Four Corners Escape the Club Room. 

Finding the right balance of challenge and direction, our escape rooms have a variety of different clues that can lead to a series of ways to escape the room. Residents who get stuck on something can work on another loose end until it leads somewhere else. Sometimes, a clue found in the beginning won’t even make sense until towards the very end!

All of these elements make for a fun and memorable evening for all involved no matter the age! 


Four Corners Casino-Comedy Night:

For some, a high rolling Las Vegas vacation is one of the great pleasures in life. The glitz and glamour of the shows, endless amounts of food and drink, and the thrill of gaming is truly a great experience. Unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of chasing this dream too often. For this reason, Four Corners Casino-Comedy Night has stepped up to bring the fun to you! 

Using a variety of different generic poker chips, everyone big or small will be able to test their luck in an environment devoid of any actual gambling of money. 

Though the traditional games of blackjack and poker are fun, we also like to try and make the night a lot more satirical by incorporating games such as paper/scissors/rock, WAR, guess the number, and beyond!?

If that wasn’t fun enough, all the officiants for the various games are also comedians dressed like Vegas card dealers! This leads to witty and entertaining banter throughout the whole room no matter what game you may be playing.

To top it all off, all the comics will perform in a short comedy show at the end of the night to really bring the Vegas vibe full circle. 

There is no doubt that a Four Corners Casino-Comedy Night will engage and entertain your residents- and we are sure that what happens in the club room will NOT stay in the club room. 

This is surely an event you will want to take a gamble on! 


Four Corners Graffiti and Martinis:

There is no doubt that there is a multitude of different devices to express your inner artist out there today! While some events have their residents pick up a paint brush, we have them pick up a paint can...a spray paint can! 

Teaming up with some of the most prolific corporate graffiti artists in the area, we plan to give your residents an experience that most have surely never had! By giving a guided tutorial on different techniques used to accomplish some of the most amazing of spray paint effects, we then let their inner artist takeover and run wild. 

As the residents spray away, our Four Corners Graffiti and Martinis event will also include music and lights to truly set the right mood for such an artistic space. Using the help of thin plastic sheeting, we can also guarantee that all paint ends up on the canvas and nowhere else.

There are few things more memorable than being exposed to an entirely different art form- and we can guarantee your residents will not soon forget it! 

The Way of the Future

Running amazing events is our life...assuring that they are well produced and attended is our promise.


Come see what all the hype is about!

Reach out for a free quote today!


Not to brag or anything, but...

Four Corners Comedy Show:

The Washington Post

Arlington Magazine

Four Corners Pet Fashion Show:

The Washington Post 

Four Corners Entertainment

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